
Friday, December 9, 2011

Sweet nori crisps

Nika waits for the snow while I spin indoors.
Snow...that's probably what Nika is dreaming about as I pedal my legs off on my indoor trainer. Can you believe she can sleep this close to a spinning wheel that sounds like a jet taking off? If only the rest of us could sleep this soundly.

I think I'll nap while you spin.
I'm looking forward (the dogs too) to going snowshoeing or cross-country skiing but instead the dogs and I are spending more of our time indoors. We've got an inversion or high-pressure or something. The explanation by the weather people changes every day. In the meantime, it's freezing outside but no snow. I have to put on numerous layers just to take the dogs outside for their many daily walks.

The bundling up is one of the things that I don't like about winter. I also suffer from chronic pain which is made worse by excessive cold.  The only thing that helps with my pain is myofascial release.

Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue that provides support and protection for most structures within the human body, including muscle. This soft tissue can become restricted due to psychogenic disease, overuse, trauma, infectious agents, or inactivity, often resulting in pain, muscle tension, and corresponding diminished blood flow. In my case, the problem has been caused by injury and overuse.
Irritation of fascia or muscle causes local inflammation which in me shows up as knots in the fascia or muscle. These knots don't go away with inactivity or stretching or even massage. That's where my husband comes in. My physicial therapist, whom I see from time to time when I have severe flareups, has taught my husband how to do some basic myofascial release treatment, which involves sustained pressure over the affected areas.

Bailey joins in giving me "myofascial release" treatment.

Myofascial release can benefit just about anyone but for me, it's a lifesaver. It's the only thing that keeps me able to walk my dogs and ride my bike. Several years ago, before myofascial treatment, I wasn't able to do these things without severe pain. And it's a good thing I can keep on walking those dogs. Instead of bouncing off the walls, they are relaxed and sublime (ha ha).

Nika looking all relaxed.

The holidays, cold weather and winter usually take their toll on my waistline. This year I have decided to snack smarter. I have made up a list of 30+ snacks for those like me who must eat free of gluten, dairy, egg, nuts, legume and some other food allergens. I will be sharing these snacks in the weeks ahead. The first one on my list is Sweet Nori Crisps.

Sweet nori chips

4 sheets of nori
raw sesame seeds
1 T. coconut syrup or agave syrup
1 T. olive oil
sea salt

Begin by preheating the oven to 250 degrees. Lay two sheets of nori side by side on a cutting board. Lightly spray or paint water on the sheets, just enough to make them a little sticky.

Sprinkle the dampened sheets with salt. Cover each dampened nori sheet with a dry one so that the two sheets fit together. Use kitchen shears to cut the sheets into rectangular-shaped chips.
Lay these strips on a cookie sheet.

Combine the coconut syrup and olive oil in a small bowl. Using a pastry brush, brush the strips with the mixture. Sprinkle lightly with sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Remove the strips when they are slightly crisp. They will continue to crisp up while they are cooling.

More healthy ideas at:


  1. I only discovered spicy nori chips last year, and immediately fell in love. These sound like a fantastic alternate. And I can't wait to see all your snacks. . . that's one area where it seems I could use a little help! These are great for Wellness Weekend--thanks!

    So sorry to hear about the chronic pain. The stretches sound as if they'd be good for almost anyone. And thankfully they help.

  2. Yes, I don't know where I'd be without the myofascial release treatments plus stretching and yoga.
