
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Brownie cookie dough wrap

"I'm taking care of Mom while she recovers."

My dog, Nika, pictured below, got into the Olympic spirit recently and tried for a gold medal in a relatively obscure sport, called diving off the bed in pursuit of the cat. Unfortunately, she used my leg as her springboard. The result is pictured above. I have kinesiotape plastered all around my knee where Nika planted her enormous paws and 80-pound weight as she made her dive. The bad news: I get to pay for more physical therapy. The good news: it was only a knee ligament strain not a tear. I get to continue to ride my bike (cycling is good for knees) but I have one really weird tan line.

Nika, A.K.A. Knee Annihilator
How do you stay mad at this goofy-looking character? Lucky for her she's such a charmer. 

Brownie Cookie Dough Wrap

Last week, I was short on quick, portable breakfast/lunch ideas. I came up with a Cookie Dough Breakfast Wrap on Quinoa Flatbread. Now that I'm hobbling around with an injured knee, healthy, fast-food options are even more important.

And then, there's the all-important "healing" properties of chocolate. With those things in mind, the Brownie Cookie Dough Wrap was born. It's equally as delicious and portable as the Cookie Dough Wrap. You can use any kind of white beans in both of these recipes .

Note: It helps if you have a stash of quinoa flatbreads in your freezer which fortunately I did.

Ingredients for Brownie Cookie Dough:
(suitable for ACD-maintenance; ACD-phase 2 may use if only stevia is used for sweetener)
  1. 1 can on canellini beans, drained and rinsed
  2. 3 T. raw cacao powder
  3. 2 T. coconut nectar + stevia to taste
  4. pinch of salt
  5. 1/2 cup sunbutter, unsweetened
  6. 2 scoops chocolate rice protein powder
  7. 2 T. cacao nibs
  8. 2 T. hemp seeds
  1. Blend ingredients items No. 1-6 in food processor. Then, add nibs and hemp seeds. Spread 1-2 T. cookie dough on quinoa flatbread. Garnish with strawberries or other fruit. Roll and wrap in wax paper and enjoy!
Quinoa Flatbread (makes 2 pieces)

  1. 1 cup cooked quinoa (I used red quinoa but all kinds work.)
  2. 1 chia egg (mix 1 T. chia with 2 T. water and allow to gel overnight)
  3. Optional: spices such as cinnamon
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Spray a large baking sheet with pan spray.
  • Put quinoa in food processor and blend until pretty mushy.
  • Add in chia egg and continue to blend until the mixture balls together.
  • Spread quinoa-chia mixture on baking sheet using wet hands or flatten with a large piece of wax paper as shown below to 1/4-inch in thickness.

Flatbread dough being smooshed flat with wax paper
  • Bake for 30+ minutes until flatbread is crispy but pliable.
  • Cut flatbread into two pieces with a pizza cutter.

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