
Friday, June 20, 2014

Recycled can makes kitchen tool for layered salad entree

Layered salad entree made with recycled can
A recycled can helped me turn my everyday salad with veggies and miscellaneous ingredients into something artistic and delicious.

 Start by saving and washing one 12-16 ounce can, and removing the top and bottom. Save either the top or bottom. Remove the label from the can. Line the can with a piece of parchment paper.

New kitchen gadget, ready to help create a layered entree
Layered entrees yummy and easy to make

Shop fur kids (l-r): Bailey, Nika, Misha
You can use your can to make just about any kind of layered entree. Choose whatever ingredients you want but you will need some foods that are a bit sticky, the goo so to speak to hold things together. Here are some ideas: pureed squash or cauliflower , rice, eggs, farmer's cheese, lactose-free yogurt, shrimp or other protein such as tofu or seed/nut butters, lettuce greens, micro-greens, sprouts, sauteed veggies of choice. You also could try pureed sweet potatoes or hummus. I can't eat these but they are gooey.

Here's what I  used for one entree:
2 T. farmer's cheese
1 egg yolk, over easy
Sauteed veggies including:1 stalk bok choy, chopped; 1/2 cup zucchini matchsticks;1 T. diced red pepper; and 2 T. diced carrot
1-2 T. olive oil
salt and pepper
1/4 avocado, mashed
2 T. microgreens or sprouts
2 handfuls lettuce greens
6 shrimp, chopped
 Here's what you do:

 Prepare your can as shown above. Place the can on your serving plate. Begin layering in your ingredients. Start with something gooey for the bottom. I used the mashed avocado. The possibilities are endless. Mashed veggies such as squash, sweet potato and beans work well but some of these are off limits for the SIBO diet.

The trick is layering in something gooey every third layer. I went guacamole, sauteed veggies, shrimp, farmer's cheese, sauteed veggies, egg, shrimp, farmer's cheese.

Place the lid on top of your layers and press down to firm everything up. Carefully push down on the lid to slide the salad out of the can. It should end up perfectly layered on your plate.

 I garnished with microgreens and arranged lettuce greens around the inverted salad.

Recipe contributed to:

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