
Friday, September 4, 2015

Journaling helps keep you positive; plus pumpkin pie breakfast

Sometimes the ever-present symptoms of fibromyalgia can nag away at your spirit. Pretty soon you can become just a shell of a person if you let it happen. I admit this was happening to me this summer.

Beautiful sunset actually represent out-of-control wildfire
Yes, the photo above shows a beautiful sunset but it represents an out-of-control wildfire that was burning just a short distance from where I live. The wildfire, along with others in the Northwest, created smoky, unhealthy conditions in my area. Having trouble breathing, along with my on-going symptoms, was just enough to put me over the edge in dealing with fibromyalgia.

Getting up to the mountains---a good memory of summer
It seemed as if no matter how hard I tried, my symptoms kept getting worse and worse. I started sinking into a deeper and deeper hole of "what's the point." Normally, I turn to nature and getting outdoors to boost my spirits but everything was burning up in my world.
Summer is leaving us
I have kept a daily symptom and food log for years in hopes of solving my health issues. I realized most of what I have jotted down in a way has been negative. You know---things like my stomach hurts again or I ate too many hard-to-digest foods. Yes, these notes helped explain my symptoms but I didn't feel better.

I decided to simply add a note about something positive that happened, a bright spot so to speak.

Here are some of my bright spots:
  • The tomatoes in my garden are flourishing.
  • A deer allowed us to camp in her spot in the mountains. She stayed nearby.
  • My fur pups, Misha and Nika, are learning to be calmer walking buddies.
  • Today provided a touch of autumn, a welcome change after a scorching summer. 
  • The air quality has returned to green. I can see the sky. I can breathe again.

Pumpkin pie in a bowl for breakfast
Along with the positive anecdotes each day, I still keep track of a number of things that seem to keep me pointed in the right direction.

My checklist:
  1. Did I chew my food into a paste before swallowing?
  2. Did I stick with low fermentation, low starch foods but not too much food?
  3. Did I manage my stress and take a mini-meditation break?
  4. Did I eat a few servings of cultured foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt?
  5. Did I drink enough water, limit my caffeine?
  6. Did I salt my food enough?
  7. How do I rate my digestion?
  8. How do I rate my day?

Yes, summer is leaving us but I feel better each day when I read my "bright spots." And, you know, it's time for pumpkin. Why not have pumpkin pie in a bowl for breakfast?

Here's what you need for 1 serving:
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg as desired
stevia, to taste
lactose-free yogurt of your choice
2 T. carrot slivers, crisped
Optional: toasted seeds or nuts, if tolerated
Here's what you do:
Mix the pumpkin puree with desired spices and sweetener. Warm in a small saucepan. Crisp the carrot slivers in the oven or in a skillet. To serve, ladle yogurt into a bowl. Top with warm pumpkin puree, carrots and other toppings.

Article contributed to:

... Runner’s Top 13 Inspirational Quotes for Living with Chronic Illness

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