I'd be happy to share more information about the rotation diet with anyone who is interested. It's really not all that complicated once you get into the routine. And it's all right if you occasionally go off of it. I do all the time when I travel.
The salmon with apricot salsa actually is a rotation diet recipe. Individuals with IBS or other stomach issues may have to remove the apricot skins and cook them until just heated. I didn't remove the skins but I did saute the apricots and onions in the recipe. Here's the recipe and directions.
Salmon with Apricot Salsa
2 T. olive oil
2 tsp. mustard seeds
1 pound apricots
2 T. lemon juice
1/2 cup diced red onion
1/4 cup coarsely chopped cilantro
1-2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 to 1/2 seeded and chopped jalapeno is optional (I'm allergic and it doesn't belong on this day's rotation diet plan.)
4 salmon fillets
Rub of choice for salmon: I combined 2 T. sea salt, 2 tsp. ground cumin, 2 tsp. coriander seed, 1 tsp. Spanish paprika, 1 tsp. dried oregano, 1 tsp. black pepper, and rubbed it all over the fillets.
Toast the mustard seeds in a skillet with a little oil. Pour the seeds into a medium sized bowl and let cool slightly. Halve and pit the apricots. Then dice the apricots and chop the onion. Saute the diced onion and apricots in a little oil in the same skillet. Saute until just tender. Don't overcook. Add the sauted onion and apricots to the bowl with mustard seeds. Toss in lemon juice and cilantro. Chill for at least 30 minutes or up to several hours.Meantime, prepare the salmon to be grilled or pan fried. Rub the salmon all over with the rub and allow to set for a bit before cooking. Then, grill in the oven or on a barbecue or pan fry. Top with a little olive oil during the cooking process. Serve with a wilted greens salad and topped with several tablespoons of apricot salsa. I recommend wilted greens because fresh salad is often not tolerated but most sensitive stomachs. Ignore the fact that I pictured the salmon in the photo above with a fresh salad. That was my husband's dinner and it looked prettier than my wilted salad.