I’ve recently gotten to know Heather of http://www.glutenfreecat.com. She hosts Raw Foods Thursdays which is a great source of delicious, raw recipes. Not only are the Raw Foods Thursdays recipes delicious but look at this one from Heather.

I want to thank Heather for nominating me for the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award was created to get to know and acknowledge some of the blogs with smaller numbers of followers. Once nominated, the award is passed on to other blogs. This is a great opportunity to get to know more about all the wonderful blogs out there!
Here’s how it works… After receiving the nomination, the blogger must:
- Acknowledge the nominating blogger
- Share 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you
- List 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers (as best as you can tell based on the info provided!). They should be bloggers that you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
- Post 11 questions for the bloggers that you nominated to answer (you cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you)
- Let all of the bloggers know that they have been nomimated
11 Random Things About Me
1. I love riding my bike all year round even in 30-degree weather.
2. I have been married for 40+ years.
3. I am the admiral on the tandem my husband and I ride. That means even though I'm in the rear, I'm still in charge. Ha! Ha!
4. I am the proud fur parent of Misha (my husky), Nika (my malamute) and Bailey (an orange tabby).
5. I love all kinds of veggies but some don't like me.
6. I raise many of my own veggies in an organic garden.
7. I walk my fur kids, probably 4-5 miles each day.
8. I taught second and fourth grades for 20+ years.
9. My favorite color is blue. I have three blue bikes.
10. My dream vacation would be to go bike touring in northern Italy.
11. I enjoy winter sports, including snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.
11 Questions Asked:
- When and why did you start blogging? I began blogging about six years ago.. I wanted to share what I have learned in my journey to find solutions to health challenges.
- What is one goal that you’ve always wanted to reach but you still haven’t? I want to write a children's book.
- What’s one restaurant where you will eat some day? I seldom eat out because of health issues. When I do, I pick unique dining places where they will whip up something good to eat even for those like me who have food challenges.
- Who is your most memorable pet and why? All of my fur kids have been memorable. I am enjoying my current fur kids (Misha, Nika and Bailey) because they do everything with me.
- If you had a choice between a gift of money or an experience what would you choose? I would pick a gift of experience. The memory stays with you forever but you just spend and forget the money.
- Beach or mountain vacation? Mountain. I love backpacking and hiking with my pups.
- What snack is your guilty pleasure? Coconut butter. I could eat it every day.
- If left alone for 2 hours, all chores and work done, what would we find you doing? I'd be out riding my bike.
- Which couple has the most inspiring love story? I admire couples who also work together. So, I'd choose Jan and Stan Berenstain, author and illustrator of the Berenstain books, a series of children's stories.
- If you could visit any place where would you go? I'd be touring by bike in northern Italy.
- What is the most unexpected event of your life so far? My husband and children ordered a custom-made mountain bike for me for my birthday. They kept it secret for weeks. I was totally surprised!
11 Questions for My Blogger Friends:
1. When and why did you start blogging?
2. If you could choose to be any age, what age would you pick and why?
3. What is your worst bad habit?
4. If I visited your home, what would I be most surprised to see?
5. If you could be any action hero, which one would you pick?
6. What is your favorite, Kleenex-needed movie?
7. What is something you eat all the time?
8. What activity would I find you doing all the time if you didn't have to work?
9. What is your favorite dessert?
10. Describe your dream vacation.
11. What famous person would you love to cook for?
Thanks you Sheree, I feel honoured! Oh my! That's a lot of questions to answer and to ask - this will take some time!
have a lovely weekend!
It does take awhile to answer all the questions, etc., but if you have the time, it's totally worth it.
Sheree, Thanks so much for nominating me! I love meeting new people through blogging who share similar challenges eating, and I'm thrilled whenever I can find new recipes to try! I appreciate you coming to my tiny Lunchbox Love party every week too :) I will work on my 11 questions this weekend - looking forward to it! Lisa@ Allergy Free Vintage Cookery
Wonderful answers, Sheree! It was so good to get to know you better! A teacher, a biker, a fur mama, and a foodie -- we have lots in common! Love your comment about the Berenstains too! Thanks for playing along and have a great day!
I enjoyed your answers too! We do have a lot in common.
Hi Sheree, I'm so sorry I never managed to get around to respond with a post but thank you so much for the nomination!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
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